Fire testing procedures of materials and components in construction of ships

Our services include fire safety testing and approvals for materials and components used in ships. As our customer you can benefit from our services during the product development and we help you to plan the testing for approval.
Fire safety requirements in ships
Regulations relating to the fire safety of ships are provided in Chapter II-2 of SOLAS. Fire test procedures are presented in Fire Test Procedure Code of International Maritime Organisation (IMO 2010 FTPC) (IMO Resolution MSC.307(88).
Our services include testing of flame spreading properties, smoke production, non-combustibility, heat of combustion/calorific value, fire safety of upholstered furniture and bedding components.
Our services of fire testing for materials and components used in ships
- Non-combustibility IMO 2010 FTCP Part 1
- Smoke and toxicity of surface materials IMO 2010 FTCP Part 2
- Surface flammability of surface materials IMO 2010 FTCP Part 5
- Measuring heat release and smoke production with cone calorimeter ISO 5660
- Determination of heat of combustion/calorific value EN ISO 1716
We help you to plan the fire tests needed for approval.
Wheelmark for materials and components (items) in ships
In Europe, materials and components (items) covered by the Marine Equipment Directive 2014/90/EU and Commission Implementing regulation, must be affixed with Wheelmark, number of the Notified Body and year. The Directive requires that a product is tested and conformity assessed.
Eurofins Expert Services is a Notified Body for Marine Equipment Directive, the European Commission has notified us for approval of products in accordance with the directive.
International qualifications
United States Coast Guard (USCG) has accepted and recognized us as an independent testing laboratory for certain test protocols set forth in the FTP and FSS Codes (2010).