Fire safety of Structures and Systems in Ships

Approval of marine equipment
In Europe, the fittings and materials used in ships sailing under the flags of the Members States of the European Union, EU, must comply with Directive 2014/90/EU on marine equipment and Commission Implementing Regulation.
The Directive's criteria relating to fire safety are based on the international SOLAS requirements (the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) and IMO (International Maritime Organization) Fire Test Procedures Code 2010 (IMO Resolution MSC.307(88)).
The Directive requires that a product is tested and type approved, and that conformity assessment procedure (quality assurance) is carried out. The products must bear an approval mark when placed on board a ship (a ship's wheel symbol). MRA Agreement (Mutual Recognition Agreements on marine equipment) between the United States and the European Union ensures that European wheel-marked products are approved in the United States and USCG-approved (United States Coast Guard) products in Europe.
Fittings and materials used in ships not sailing under the flags of the EU Member States are approved by the maritime authority of the respective flag state. The flag authority is often a maritime classification society. Even then the approval is based on SOLAS requirements and methods complying with Fire Test Procedures Code 2010 (IMO Resolution MSC.307(88)).
As a notified body complying with the Marine Equipment Directive, Eurofins Expert Services Oy assists manufacturers in complying with the Directive.
Certifications and approvals issued by Eurofins Expert Services Oy
Regulations, classifications and test methods
Regulations relating to the fire safety of vessels are provided in Chapter II-2 of SOLAS, which contains structural fire class requirements according to use. Structures are divided into the following fire classes: A-0, A-15, A-30 and A-60 as well as B-0 and B-15. The fire class is established by using the test methods required by Part 3 of 2010 FTP Code.
Accredited testing services for ships
We secure the fire safety of structures and systems used on ship using fire tests that comply with the 2010 FTP Code of the International Maritime Organization:
- A and B class bulkheads and decks (2010 FTP Code, Part 3)
- B class linings and ceilings (2010 FTP Code, Part 3)
- Doors (2010 FTP Code, Part 3)
- Windows (2010 FTP Code, Part 3)
- Fire dampers (2010 FTP Code, Part 3)
- Pipe, duct and cable inlets (2010 FTP Code, Part 3)
- Fire door actuators (2010 FTP Code, Part 4)
- Fire-proof structures of high-speed vessels (2010 FTP Code, Part 11)
It is also possible to test bigger test specimens in our vertical furnace. With custom-made arrangements the tested structure may be approximately 5 m x 5 m.
Test plans and statements
We make test plans to cover extensive end use applications. Statements for fire safety can be produced based on test results and other possible information provided by the customer.
Accredited services
Our testing services are accredited in compliance with SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 by FINAS (Finnish Accreditation Service). Our competence scope of Fire Safety is presented in FINAS decision T001, Appendix 1.11. United States Coast Guard (USCG) has accepted and recognized us as an independent testing laboratory for certain test protocols set forth in the FTP and FSS Codes (2010). Read more about our accreditations
Our experts possess strong expertise in approval testing using various methods. By participating in international standardisation work in the ship and construction sector actively, we can ensure that our experts have access to up-to-date information.
Important links
- Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2020/1170
- Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2021/1158
- Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2022/1157
- Directive 2014/90/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council
- Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2018/773
- Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2019/1397
- International code for application of fire test procedures (2010 FTP CODE), Resolution MSC.307(88)
- Interpretations of the SOLAS Convention