Propensity to Undergo Continuous Smouldering EN 16733

We determine the reaction to fire properties and fire class of construction products. As our customer you can benefit from our services during the product development and we help you to plan the testing arrangements for determining the fire class of your product.
This test method is intended for all building products classified according to EN 13501-1. Criteria concerning continuous smouldering are not shown in the classification standard because not all material have the propensity to undergo continuous smouldering. Requirement of testing materials propersity to undergo continuous smouldering will be in the relevant product standards.
Test specimen is mounted vertically and exposed to gas flame for 15 min. Smouldering is detected by measuring temperatures with six thermocouples which are positioned on the center line of the test specimen at 100 mm intervals.
Smouldering to the top or either vertical side edge of specimen, ignition of specimen and temperature rise of thermocouples are observed during the test.
If the test specimens ignites in the beginning of test according to the criteria of the standard, this test method is not suitable for the product.
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Fire safety of building products
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Fire safety regulations in Finland
Regulations and guidelines concerning fire safety of buildings are shown in degree of the Ministry of the Environment on fire safety of buildings.
Fire safety regulations in Finland - Finlex (in Finnish)
Regulation of the Ministry of the Environment amending the Ministry of the Environment's ordinance on the fire safety of buildings.
(Finlex link, content in Finnish)