Measuring heat release and smoke production with cone calorimeter ISO 5660

The cone calorimeter is an ideal fire test device in product development. Burning behavior and reaction to fire properties of a material can be measured with a small test specimen.
Test with cone calorimeter
The test specimen (100 mm x 100 mm, maximum thickness 50 mm) is subjected to a predetermined external irradiance. During the test ignitability, heath release rate (HRR), smoke production rate (SPR), total heath release (THR), total smoke production (TSP) and mass lost rate are measured.
Using of the method in research, product development and as small-scale real fire test
The method is useful tool in research and product development. With small amount of sample and during one test a lot of data about the burning behaviour of the product is obtained.
The heath release data from the cone calorimeter test can be use on the prediction heat release and classification in the EN 13823 (SBI) test. The prediction cannot be used for all materials. Its best for wood based materials.
Cone calorimeter and fire safety requirements
The European test methods and requirements for materials and components used in railway vehicles are presented in the standard EN 45545-2. Measuring heath release with cone calorimeter according to standard ISO 5660-1 is one of the methods.
In measuring heath release and smoke production of materials used in high speed crafts cone calorimeter standard ISO 5660-1 is used according to Fire Test Procedure Code of International Maritime Organisation (IMO 2010 FTPC).
Cone calorimeter is used as durability of reaction to fire performance has to be measured after weathering for wood based products in exterior end use.
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Fire safety of building products
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Fire safety regulations in Finland
Regulations and guidelines concerning fire safety of buildings are shown in degree of the Ministry of the Environment on fire safety of buildings.
Fire safety regulations in Finland - Finlex (in Finnish)
Regulation of the Ministry of the Environment amending the Ministry of the Environment's ordinance on the fire safety of buildings.
(Finlex link, content in Finnish)