Fire Classification for Building Products EN 13501-1

We determine the reaction to fire properties and fire class of construction products. As our customer you can benefit from our services during the product development and we help you to plan the testing arrangements for determining the fire class of your product.
Classification principles
Fire classification of construction products excluding roof coverings is made according to classification standard EN 13501-1. The test methods and classification criteria for fire classes are presented in classification standard EN 13501-1. Classification of roof coverings is made according to classification standard EN 13501-5.
Fire classes
Construction products have five European reaction to fire test methods. Based on the test results the products are divided into seven main classes: A1, A2, B, C, D, E and F for construction products excluding floorings and linear pipe thermal insulation products. Classes for floorings are A1fl, A2fl, Bfl, Cfl, Dfl, Efl and Ffl and for linear pipe insulations A1L, A2L, BL, CL, DL, EL and FL.
Additional classes
In addition to main classes, additional classes exist; for smoke production classes s1, s2 and s3 and for burning droplets/particles classes d0, d1 and d2.
Important details in testing
Since in tests EN ISO 1182 (non-combustibility) and EN ISO 1716 (calorific value) material characteristics are measured, test results are independent of the end-use application of the product.
Product properties and end use conditions influence on test results when determining a products reaction to fire performance according to test standard EN 13823 (SBI – single burning item). Mounting and fixing of construction products in tests influence the field of application of the test results and validity of classification.
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Fire safety of building products
CE marking for building products
Read more about our certification and product approval services for building products
Fire safety regulations in Finland
Regulations and guidelines concerning fire safety of buildings are shown in degree of the Ministry of the Environment on fire safety of buildings.
Fire safety regulations in Finland - Finlex (in Finnish)
Regulation of the Ministry of the Environment amending the Ministry of the Environment's ordinance on the fire safety of buildings.
(Finlex link, content in Finnish)