Test method and classification for external fire exposure roof coverings CEN/TS 1187 and EN 13501-5

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External fire exposure to roofs CEN TS 1187 (Test 2)
Ignitability and flame spread of roof coverings are measured with this test method.
Test specimens are mounted as in their end use application taking account substrate and fixing. Mounting and fixing of roof covering in test influence the field of application of the test results and validity of classification.
The method is used in classification of roof coverings in class BROOF (t2).
Classification of roof coverings EN 13501-5
Test methods and classification criteria for roof coverings are presented in the classification standard EN 13501-5. There are classification criteria for four test methods (German, French, English and Nordic). These test methods are specified in the technical specification CEN TS 1187.
There are two classes based on the Nordic test method CEN TS 1187 Test 2; BROOF (t2) and FROOF (t2). Class FROOF (t2) means that ignitability and flame spread of the product has not been measured or that the product does not meet the requirements of class BROOF (t2).
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Fire safety regulations in Finland
Regulations and guidelines concerning fire safety of buildings are shown in degree of the Ministry of the Environment on fire safety of buildings.
Fire safety regulations in Finland - Finlex (in Finnish)
Regulation of the Ministry of the Environment amending the Ministry of the Environment's ordinance on the fire safety of buildings.
(Finlex link, content in Finnish)