Fire Testing of Building Products

Our services include determination of burning behavior and classification of building products. As our customer you can benefit from our services during the product development and market entry. We help you to plan the testing arrangements for determining the fire class of your product.
Burning behaviour of building products
With our test equipment's we measure the non-combustibility of the product, heat of combustion/calorific values, flame spread properties, heat release and smoke production, ignitability and forming of burning droplets/particles and building products propensity to undergo continuos smouldering.
Fire classification for building products
Fire classification for building products is made according to classification standard EN 13501-1. Classification for roof coverings is made according to EN 13501-5. The test methods for classification and classification criteria are presented in the classification standards.
Our testing services
- Burning Behaviour of Floorings
- Classification for External Fire Exposure Roof Coverings and classification CEN/TS 1187 (Test 2) ja EN 13501-5
- Determination of Heat of Combustion EN ISO 1716
- Fire Classification for Building Products EN 13501-1
- Fire Testing with SBI (Single Burning Item) EN 13823
- Ignitability with Small Single Flame EN ISO 11925-2
- Measuring heat release and smoke production with cone calorimeter ISO 5660
- Non-Combustibility Test EN ISO 1182
- Propensity to Undergo Continuous Smouldering EN 16733
Test method which can be used in product development and in prediction of heat release and classification in SBI test:
Heat release and smoke production with cone calorimeter ISO 5660
CE marking for building products
Read more about our certification and product approval services for building products
Fire safety regulations in Finland
Regulations and guidelines concerning fire safety of buildings are shown in degree of the Ministry of the Environment on fire safety of buildings.
Fire safety regulations in Finland - Finlex (in Finnish)
Regulation of the Ministry of the Environment amending the Ministry of the Environment's ordinance on the fire safety of buildings.
(Finlex link, content in Finnish)