Local application IMO MSC.1/Circ.1387

We conduct fire tests according to International Maritime Organization (IMO) test methods. Our expertise, facilities and equipment fulfills the requirements set out in the IMO test procedures.
Read more: Extinguishing systems for ships
In addition, we actively participate in the development work of IMO test methods to assure up to date services.
IMO MSC.1/Circ.1387 is in the scope of accreditation of Eurofins Expert Services.
Test method
The test procedure describes a fire test method for evaluating the effectiveness of fixed water-based local application fire fighting systems.
The test method is intended to evaluate
- Maximum nozzle spacing
- Minimum and maximum distance from the nozzle to the hazard
- Minimum nozzle flow rate
- Nozzle angle, if any
- Minimum operating pressure
Essentially the test procedure consists of following items
- Sufficiently large test enclosure with adequate natural or forced ventilation during the fire test (e.g. our large fire test hall)
- Two different spray fire scenarios (nominal HRR 1 MW and 6 MW)
- Ten fire tests in total
- Fire load is light diesel oil
- Acceptance criteria are based on extinguishment of test fires within 5 minutes of system activation