Mechanical testing of lightweight structures

Our testing facilities are well-suited for variety of large-scale structural tests. Our expertise covers various materials and structure types including metallic structures, fibre-reinforced composites, sandwich structures, concrete and wooden structures. In addition we have an extensive experience of on-site load measurements.
Our testing facilities
Eurofins Expert Services test laboratory is fully equipped for large scale structures testing. The test laboratory has a 500 m² strong floor system with configurable framing and support system. The floor includes an anchorage-point grid with movable hydraulic cylinders and support frames for various test configurations.
Features of our test laboratory
- Full scale, assembly, component and sub-component testing
- Servohydraulic loading cylinders from 1 kN up to 1000 kN for static or dynamic loading. Multiaxial loading is also possible
- Loading frames with a capacity up to 2000 kN (static tests) and 1000 kN (dynamic tests and fatigue)
- Versatile data acquisition systems for monitoring of load, displacement, strain, temperature etc. during the test
- Large 450 kN- 2000 kN universal servo-hydraulic test machines for component testing
- Extreme conditions applicable
- Field measurements
- Earth quake testing
- On-site measurement of megawatt size wind turbine loads for type certification in collaboration with VTT Wind Power Technologies
- Component level testing for aircraft industry for design and certification purposes
- On- board structural measurements for a large cruise ferry
- Full scale testing of kilowatt size wind turbine blades
- Over 30 ft yacht full scale hull testing
- Wind turbine blade lifting equipment test