Composite Testing

Our mechanical testing services cover various materials including fibre-reinforced composites, sandwich structures, adhesively bonded joints, and metallic lightweight structures. Expertise especially in composite fatigue testing, optical crack growth documentation and evaluation of SN-curves.
Eurofins Expert Services testing laboratory:
- Universal testing machines with load range from 1kN to 2000kN
- Extensive range of testing fixtures and equipment
- Climate chambers for material ageing and mechanical testing in extreme conditions
- 500 m² strong floor with configurable framing and movable hydraulic cylinders
- Highly experienced staff in mechanical testing of materials and structures
- Flexibility and ability to tailor tests
- All essential functions of testing laboratory are accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025
Our accreditations scope include composites tests
such as:
- Wind turbine blade root connections
- Tensile test ISO 527 / ASTM D3039
- Compression test ISO 14126 / ASTM D3410
- Interlaminar shear strength ISO 14130 / ASTM D2344
- Fatigue testing in cyclic loading conditions for fibre-reinforced composites ISO 13003
- Fatigue test for polymer matrix composites ASTM D3479
- Sandwich core shear properties ASTM C273
- Sandwich bending ASTM C393
- Static and fatigue testing for composite and metallic aircraft materials including bonded and mechanical joints
- Testing of aircraft component for verification, design, and certification purposes
- Material and sub-component testing for wind turbine industry
- Material and structural tests for marine industry
- Mechanical testing of load-bearing and self-supporting sandwich panel solutions used in the construction industry
Our Services
- Mechanical Testing of Adhesive
- Mechanical testing of composites
- Mechanical testing of lightweight structures
- Physical and chemical properties of materials