Testing if Civil Defence Technology Products

Services for civil defence technology
- Testing of shelter equipment:
- Blast wave tests,
- Flow resistance tests,
- Leakage tests,
- Shock tests
- Certification and type inspection of shelter equipment (e.g. blast doors, NBC-filters, blast valves, gastight valves)
- Quality control of production and shelter equipment products
- Operation test for a completed shelter
- Shelter technical operation tests
- Research and development in sheltering techniques
Air filter blast wave tests
Testing facilities
Blast simulators
- Air-driven shock tubes; nominal diameters 150…500 mm
- Compression chambers rated for a pressure of 100 bar
- Maximum test pressures up to 25 bar (up to 60 bar when duration of the blast wave is short)
Ground shock simulator
- Operating range with a load of 500 kg, maximal testing parameters
- Acceleration 50 g
- Displacement 40 mm
- Velocity 2,5 m/s
Impact testing
- Various forms, sizes and weights of impact bodies
- Hurricane tests
- ASTM E 1886
- ASTM E 1996
- Velocities 25 m/s – 300 m/s depending on the impact body characteristics
- For instance, 100 kg cylindrical missile, 200 m/s