Testing Services of Thermal Insulation Products

We provide testing services of thermal insulation products and materials for product development, market approval (CE marking and Keymark) and quality assurance of production.
Our testing services cover mineral wool (MW), polystyrene (EPS), extruded polystyrene (XPS), polyurethane (PUR) and different kinds of wood fibre and cellular rubber insulation products according to their specific product standards. We also test various other insulation and building materials according to their specific product standards.
Most of the testing methods of Eurofins Expert Services are accredited by national accreditation services (FINAS T001). Additionally Eurofins Expert Services is a notified body for a number of product standards.
We are happy to serve you in all your needs concerning testing, CE marking and product approvals of thermal insulation materials and products. Read more about certification and product approval services
The testing methods
We comply with the requirements of product and testing standards but when needed and possible we can also adapt the testing programs to your needs such as for product development purposes.
We have facilities and competence for the following standards
- Lenght and width EN 82
- Thickness EN 823
- Squareness EN 824
- Flatness EN 825
- Compressive strength EN 826
- Apparent density EN 1602
- Dimensional stability under laboratory conditions 23 oC, 50 % RH EN 1603
- Dimensional stability under specified temperature and humidity conditions EN 1604
- Deformation under specified compressive load and temperature conditions EN 1605
- Compressive creep EN 1606
- Tensile strength perpendicular to faces EN 1607
- Tensile strength parallel to faces EN 1608
- Term water absorption by partial immersion EN 1609
- Linear dimensions of test specimens EN 12085
- Water vapour transmission properties EN 12086
- Long term water absorption by immersion EN 12087
- Long term water absorption by diffusion EN 12088
- Bending behaviour EN 12089
- Shear behaviour EN 12090
- Freeze-thaw resistance EN 12091
- Behaviour under point load EN 12430
- Thickness for floating floor insulating products EN 12431
- Airflow resistance EN 29053
- Hygroscopic sorption properties EN ISO 12571
- Thermal resistance and thermal transmission EN 12667, EN 12939, EN ISO 8497