Boat Damage Surveys

Eurofins Expert Services carries out demanding damage surveys on boats and their structures, materials and components.
The surveys can be related to determining the cause-and-effect relationships of the damage, accident investigations, repair suggestions and decision-making in various cases of complaint, product development or malfunction.
Damage surveys comprise various analyses
- Object thickness measurements and a visual and NDT examination
- Determination of the composition of material samples; with reinforced plastics, often the determination of the hardening degree and reinforcement content; with metals, determination of the microstructure and hardness
- Investigation of the plane of fracture
- Chemical analyses of impurities and corrosion products
- Mechanical testing of the strength properties of the sample piece
- Stress tests (UV, salt mist, moisture, heat)
The results of the analyses are compared with reference values that are, for example, design values or defined in a standard.