CE Certification of a Work Boat

Even an old work boat cannot be sold for recreational use without a CE certification carried out in accordance with the Recreational Craft Directive. It may be difficult to find new professional use for a former work boat, while the recreational craft market is many times larger.
Certifying a former work boat as a recreational craft (known as the Post-Construction Assessment, or PCA) may require changes to the boat's systems and structure; at worst, it may require replacing the engines, as they must meet the currently valid exhaust emission requirements of the Recreational Craft Directive.
When ordering an inspection of a work boat, we therefore recommend also requesting a CE certification as a recreational craft, thus ensuring the boat's resale value on the Europe-wide recreational craft market after the end of the boat's work use.
Getting a CE marking for a boat meeting the work boat regulations is easy
The Work Boat Guidelines have largely been prepared based on the same ISO standards used in CE certification based on the Recreational Craft Directive. The requirement levels are generally higher for work boats, with an emphasis on operational reliability.
A boat meeting the requirements of the Work Boat Guidelines can be CE-certified in accordance with the Recreational Craft Directive, as long as certain amendments are taken into consideration. Verifying the conformity of the engines with regard to exhaust emissions is among the most important of these requirements. The boat's hull must be marked with the manufacturer's WIN code. Furthermore, an owner's manual is required, as is a measurement of the pass-by noise, unless the exhaust system is a fixed part of a CE-marked engine.
Eurofins Expert Services' Notified Body (NB no 0809) is very familiar with the differences between the Work Boat Guidelines and the Recreational Boat Directive, gives assistance in verifying conformity, and grants the CE certification. After the inspection has been completed, Eurofins Expert Services issues a certificate of conformity, and the manufacturer is allowed to affix the builder's plate, or CE marking, to the boat. The resale value of the work boat is thus ensured following the end of its professional use.