ETA application steps for Building Products

- The manufacturer defines the product and its intended use. Based on this we suggest the suitable European Assessment Document, EAD.
- The base for EAD can be:European Technical Approval Guidelines (ETAG)
Common Understanding of Assessment Procedure (CUAP)
European Assessment Document (EAD)
ETA is drafted by the guidelines of the selected EAD
We agree with the manufacturer about the testing and assessments according to ETA definitions if they are not yet implemented. In addition we visit the factory to evaluate the manufacturer's procedures.
When all of the necessary tests and assessments are conducted, we draft the ETA and assessment report. After the manufacturer's comments, the draft and assessment report will be sent to other EOTA members for one month's consultation. After this the possible comments are processed, assessment is finalized and published.
When the assessment has been published, the manufacturer shall mark the construction product according to Construction Products Regulation (CPR).
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Voluntary ETA assessment and CE marking of construction products