ETA Assessment and CE Marking of Building Products

When a building product does not have a harmonized European product standard (hEN), it can be evaluated based on the European Assessment (EAD) in order to get European Technical Assessment (ETA) and the CE marking. ETA has made possible for over 10500 building products to obtain CE marking.
Voluntary ETA assessment is valid throughout the whole European Union and is therefore more accountable than national approvals or certificates.
ETA assessed products include typically systems, innovative products, products that deviate from the harmonized European product standard.
We are appointed as a Technical Assessment Body (TAB) by the Ministry of Environment and this enable us to issue European Technical Assessments, ETAs, to building products. Eurofns Expert Services Oy is the only TAB in Finland.
CE marking based on ETA assessment
ETA is always related to the manufacturer. It presents the product and intended use of the product and in addition the properties and/or classes according to basic characteristics in question.
CE marking requires services ofa Notified Body in AVCP-classes 1+, 1 and 2+.
Wide range of services for the CE marking process
Our services assist at all stages of the CE marking process.
We will check whether
- The product is covered by a harmonized European product standard, preventing the ETA-process and CE marking must be based on a product standard
- An EAD (European Assessment Document) has been issued for the product
- The new EAD (European Assessment Document) shall be drafted
A comprehensive list of EADs and ETAs issued by all TABs is available at
Certifications and product approvals issued by Eurofins Expert Services (previously known as VTT Expert Services) are listed at Link to ETA Assessments issued by us.