Scam messages sent in Eurofins name

Dear Customer,
As communicated earlier, during the first weekend of June, Eurofins Group was affected by a ransomware attack which caused disruption to many of our IT systems. Following the attack scam messages may be sent in our name telling about new Eurofins bank details. Please, delete these messages immediately. We have not send the messages and our bank details have not changed.
Our IT operations are starting to get normal after the attack. Emails are working again and we are able to deliver test reports.
We are still facing some challenges with paying invoices so we kindly ask for patience from our vendors. Our teams are working hard to solve the problem as soon as possible and we will keep You informed on the progress.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask from your own contact person or send email to our customer service
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and assure you that we do all we can to get back to our usual level of service, as soon as possible.