Structural Testing

Eurofins Expert Services is part of the Eurofins network of companies. We offer versatile expert services, certification and product approval services, testing and inspection services.
Our testing facilities are well-suited for variety of large-scale structural tests. Our expertise covers various materials and structure types including fibre-reinforced composites, sandwich structures. In addition we have an extensive experience of on-site load measurements.
Our testing facilities
Eurofins Expert Services test laboratory is fully equipped for large scale structures testing. The test laboratory has a 500 m² strong floor system with configurable framing and support system. The floor includes an anchorage-point grid with movable hydraulic cylinders and support frames for various test configurations.
Features of our test laboratory
- Full scale, assembly, component and sub-component testing
- Servohydraulic loading cylinders from 1 kN up to 1000 kN for static or dynamic loading. Multiaxial loading is also possible
- Loading frames with a capacity up to 2000 kN (static tests) and 1000 kN (dynamic tests and fatigue)
- Versatile data acquisition systems for monitoring of load, displacement, strain, temperature etc. during the test
- Large 450 kN- 2000 kN universal servo-hydraulic test machines for component testing
- Extreme conditions applicable
- Field measurements
- Earth quake testing
We perform strength testing of machinery cabs in our Vakola facilities in Vihti.
Work machinery is governed by the regulations of the EU Machinery Directive. According to the directive, machinery equipped with a driver's cab must be designed in such a way as to protect the driver from falling objects or penetrating objects or in the event the machinery rolls or tips over. Separate requirements concerning safety structures have been issued for agricultural tractors.
The cab strength tests can be performed on the actual safety structure, which is equivalent to a rollover situation of machinery (Rollover Protective Structures, ROPS); on the cab roof, which is equivalent to an object falling on the roof of the tractor (Falling Object Protection System, FOPS); and on the windows, which is equivalent to lateral penetration of objects through the window panel (Operator-Protective-Structure, OPS). A cab that passes the tests set forth by the standards mentioned above is called a safety cab.
Eurofins Expert Services is accredited (T001) Vy FINAS to perform strength tests on machinery cabs in accordance with such standards as ISO 3471-1, ISO 3449, ISO 8082-1 and -2, ISO 8083 and ISO 8084
Know and guarantee the features of the products
✔ We determine the properties of products and systems in diverse testing environments
✔ Get researched information to support modelling, evaluation, and decision making
Certification, testing, inspection and calibration services have been mostly accredited by the national body FINAS.
Eurofins Expert Services is one of the most extensive testing, auditing and expert services in the Northern Europe. We will boost your competitiveness! To receive more detailed information contact our sales team today!
Expert Services offers reliable information to support decision making
✔ We solve potential problems quickly, confidentially and based on researched information.
✔ We will help you evaluate the different options and choose the best solution.
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