Fire Resistance Testing

Eurofins Expert Services is part of the Eurofins network of companies. We offer versatile expert services, certification and product approval services, testing and inspection services.
Fire testing is carried out in our renovated large fire test hall in Espoo, Finland, which provides an excellent possibility for diverse fire testing in a controlled environment.
Our fire testing services include determination of burning behavior and classification of building products. As our customer you can benefit from our services during the product development and market entry. We help you to plan the testing arrangements for determining the fire class of your product.
Fire resistance test hall for fire resistance includes two furnaces equipped with gas burners: a vertical furnace and a so-called horizontal combi-furnace.
It is also possible to test bigger supporting constructions, which enables testing several test specimens in a single test. With custom-made arrangements the vertical supporting construction may be even 4 m high or 5 m wide.
The inside dimensions of the horizontal furnace are approximately 3 m x 5 m x 3 m (width x length x height). In addition to testing horizontal structures in the combi-furnace, it is also possible to test e.g. columns, stairs, cable ladders and different kinds of corner or joint structures.
Structures can also be built inside the furnace. Both furnaces can be run even with hydrocarbon curve. Structures can be tested loaded in both furnaces, too.
Monitoring of fire events happens safely and smokeless from a separate control room using number of technical devices. We also provide the possibility to remote monitoring or witnessing of tests (live video, audio and graphs).
We offer our customers a private area for installation work.
>> Read more on Fire Testing of Buildind Products
Features of our fire test hall
- Total volume approximately 6 000 m3
- Height adjustable false ceiling (max. 11.5 m)
- Data collection system with over 100 channels
- Water flow up to 1 500 LPM
- Powerful supply of electricity for large pump units
- New and efficient flue gas cleaning and fire-water purification systems
- Modern solutions providing safe working conditions (possibility to work even at 11.5 meters high)
>> Read more on Fire Testing Facilities
Accredited testing methods
The general requirements for fire resistance tests are presented in the standard EN 1363-1. There are specific EN test standards for building systems.
Fire dampers are tested according to the standard EN 1366-2. The tests are performed separately for a rigid and flexible wall or floor. Depending on the type of installation and the structure of the damper, several tests are often necessary to perform. Mechanical tests according to product standard EN 15650, Annex C, are also offered by us.
The operation of the thermal release mechanism is examined in Finland in accordance with the standard ISO 10294-4 and the air tightness of the damper casing according to the standard EN 1751. We can test many dampers simultaneously. Ask for our test plan!
The testing method for ventilation ducts is presented in the standard EN 1366-1. Only the internal fire exposure presented in the test standard is required in Finland.
Fire classification and EXAP-reports for building systems
We produce Extended Application (EXAP) and Classification reports for building systems as requested. These services are accredited, too.
Accredited Services
Our testing services are accredited in compliance with SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 by FINAS (Finnish Accreditation Service). Our competence scope of Fire Safety is presented in FINAS decision T001, Appendix 1.11. Read more about our accreditations
We also function as a Notified Body. Our experts possess strong expertise in approval testing using various methods.
>> Read more on Fire Testing Statements
Know and guarantee the features of the products
✔ We determine the properties of products and systems in diverse testing environments
✔ Get researched information to support modelling, evaluation, and decision making
Certification, testing, inspection and calibration services have been mostly accredited by the national body FINAS.
Eurofins Expert Services is one of the most extensive testing, auditing and expert services in the Northern Europe. We will boost your competitiveness! To receive more detailed information contact our sales team today!
Expert Services offers reliable information to support decision making
✔ We solve potential problems quickly, confidentially and based on researched information.
✔ We will help you evaluate the different options and choose the best solution.
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