Pulp mill recovery and by-products

Pulp mill recovery and by-products
In accordance with legislation, meeting the requirements and the challenges of stricter limits on emissions coupled with the trend towards closed-loop water systems in chemical pulp mills requires greater understanding of both the chemical and the physical characteristics together with the behavior of process streams.
The increasing yields of by-products e.g. lignin, turpentine and tall oil can be boosted with regular long-term monitoring
Long term monitoring of recovery cycle
It is important for pulp mills to assess certain black liquor characteristics at regular intervals. In the event of disturbances, this will ensure relevant reference data of so-called “good liquors” which have not caused any major problems in the recovery process.
To maximize the benefits of the analyses data, the same characteristics should be analyzed repeatedly. Because of closed water cycles the enrichment of a certain substance or compounds in the chemical circulation increases. The process can be modified if the enrichment can be detected at an early stage.
We have compiled the most important black liquor analyses into two packages: a basic package and an evaporation plant and combustion package.
Basic package
Basic package is designed to be performed at regular intervals (2-4 times per year), even if the black liquor is good and the mill does not have any problems with it. The basic package should be used at regular intervals.
Evaporation plant and combustion package
Evaporation plant and combustion package includes the measurements that are important for the operation of an evaporation plant and the recovery boiler. These measurements are performed according to need which also includes the basic package. That said, it should be noted that the evaporation plant and combustion package is used only periodically as opposed to the basic package
For more information, please contact
Satu Korteniemi
Analytical Service Manager
+358 50 542 2923