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Ground and surface water
Eurofins' water laboratories in Finland perform different chemical and microbiological analysis from different types of natural water matrices.
Eurofins Environment Testing Finland Oy (T039) and Eurofins Ahma Oy (T131) are accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 by FINAS (Finnish accreditation service).
Our analytical portfolio includes for example:
- General physical and chemical parameters (pH, conductivity, alkalinity, suspended solids, turbidity, color etc.)
- Microbiological analysis
- Nutrients (total nitrogen and phosphorus + fractions)
- Chemical and biological oxygen demand
- Metals
- Total petroleum hydrocarbons
- Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
- PAH-compounds
- PCB-compounds
- Dioxins and furans
- Chlorophenols
- Pesticides
- Pharmaceuticals
In addition, we analyze rare compound classes, for example perfluorinated compounds, hormones and explosives. Organic analyses are mainly performed in our laboratories in Lahti and Oulu.
Eurofins also offer sampling services. Most of our sampling personnel have sampling certificate.
For more information, please contact
Miikka Karkela
Account manager
+358 40 487 2255
Toni Mäkelä
Analytical Service Manager
+358 50 311 1081