Water analysis

Water analysis
Water samples usually require to be analyzed within certain time limit. Because of this Eurofins Environment Finland have water laboratories in four different locations around Finland. The laboratories are accrediated by Finnish FINAS accreditation service.
Environmental laboratories
Eurofins Environment Finland has four environmental laboratories in Lahti (T039), Jyväskylä (T039), Seinäjoki (T131) and Rovaniemi (T131). Finnish Food Authority (Ruokavirasto) has approved our laboratories for analyzing drinking, swimming and swimming pool waters. You can find out more about accrediated methods of each laboratory by clicking the accreditation code.
Our goal is to offer comprehensive solutions for water analysis. Most of the water analysis is performed in our Finnish laboratories but we can also utilize global Eurofins laboratory network in case of very rare analytical methods and needs.
We analyze different water types:
For more information, please contact
Miikka Karkela
Account manager
+358 40 487 2255