Organic Special Analytics

Organic Analytics
Eurofins Environment Testing Finland's laboratory in Nuottasaari, Oulu offers organic special analytics from complex and difficult matrices e.g. for the needs of wood processing and chemical industries. We provide problem solving analytics for example in cases where something unrecognizable has built up in your process and you want to find out what it is and where it came from.
Our services include the following analytics
- Carbohydrate composition
- Resin and fatty acids
- Terpenes and sesquiterpens and turpentine
- Wood extractives as groups and separated
- Sterols and phytosterols and other neutrals and unsaponifiable compounds
- PAH and chlorophenols
- Pyrolysis-GC/MS-analysis, FTIR and problem solving analytics
- Alcohols and Solvents
- Sulphur and Sulphur compound analytics
- Flash point, viscosity and density
- Ash
For more information, please contact
Teija Sipola
Production Business Unit Manager
+358 40 163 4317