Waste Incineration and Co-Incineration Flue Gas Measurements

Waste Incineration and Co-Incineration Flue Gas Measurements (Directive 2010/75/EU)
Emission limit values for flue gases from waste and co-incineration are defined in Directive 2010/75 / EU. Because emission limits are very strict, emission measurements must be done with special care. We provide measurement services in accordance with the Finnish Government regulation 151/2013 and the ISO / IES 17025 quality system. Our services are mainly accredited.
- Heavy Metals and Mercury
- HCl
- HF
- Dioxines and furanes
- Particle concentration
- SO2
- Voilatile Hydrocarbons (TVOC)
- NH3
- N2O
- NO, NO2, NOx
- Gas conditions (O2-, CO2- ja CO-concentrations, humidity, temperature, pressure)
- Velocity and flow rate of flue gas
- Calibration and validation of CEM (QAL2)
- Annual surveliance tests (AST)
- Linearity and calibration checks of CEM Fuel and Ash Testing
- Boiler Water Testing
Let’s design a measurement package that suits for your needs!
For more information, please contact
Outi Aitto-Oja
Analytical Service Manager
+358 400 387 018
Miia Perälä
Analytical Service Manager
+358 40 357 5737